Open your door to Etobicare
(416) 568 - 0944
We at Etobicare not only provide full in home care service while we are in your home, but we also provide a Mind, Body & Soul Program that stays with our clients long after we leave for the day.
We assist in a wide range of simple yet effective movements and theory that we integrate into our visits at your home. Your Etobicare caregiver was trained and shown different ways we integrate wellbeing into our every visit. They will work aside you and incorporate a doable easy step by step plan to better your overall wholeness and simply have a better enjoyable day with every visit from our Etobicare caregiver.
With regular sessions our clients have seen, felt and improved in many areas of their wellbeing.
These are some of the areas they have noticed a positive change in:
- A better sense of awareness
- Problem solving
- Clarity in mind thinking
- Overall balance and harmony
- Memory and cognizance
- Kindness, thankfulness and gratefulness
Here are some of the steps we work on with you:
- Breathing exercises: Sit comfortable and breathe deeply.
- Ground yourself: To feel the earth underneath us and to notice our own space.
- Practice eating whole foods: Nurturing our bodies, being made aware of the foods we choose to eat.
- Regular Stretching: Practice some form of gentle yoga or exercise to benefit self-energy, cognitive, circulation, balance and wellness.
- Smile: The simple act of smiling, laughing and doing enjoyable activities, instantly makes you feel better overall.
- Live your passion: finding your likeness through interaction, hobbies, creativity, stimulating conversation and or storytelling. The purpose and goal is to find all you enjoy in life.
- Meditate: take time to rest your mind, improve focus and concentration.
- Etobicare: we can all benefit, from the young to the young at heart.
Our intention is for Etobicare to support each of our clients and to aid in their own individual needs and their own objectives. When our work is done and your Etobicare caregiver left for the end of the day. You are left feeling an overall sense of wellbeing and smile, looking forward to their next visit.
It is our belief that Etobicare takes this principal and applies it to everyone, regardless of age. We learn at all ages and at all levels and at all times. The level or intensity is not what is important, what is important is you get a better understanding of your Mind, Body & Soul and connect to them closer, graduating to a conscious awareness of your inner self and an overall better self each and every day.
Our aim is for Etobicare to incorporate Mind, Body & Soul schedule into your daily routine so you will see how it impacts your everyday outlook. Make it a practice and routine to all that will benefit.
Contact Etobicare for a personal more in-depth caregiving service.